Apple’s home robotics

Apple has teams investigating a push into personal robotics for the home.
June 3, 2024
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The “next big thing” could be home robotics.

In April, Bloomberg reported that Apple has teams investigating a push into personal robotics for the home. In May, Kyle Vogt, the former CEO of autonomous car company Cruise, announced a $150 million fundraise for a household robotics startup.

In theory, personal robotics at home sounds like a no-brainer—we all hate chores and want time back in our day.

But, in reality, customer demand for at-home robots has been limited outside of robot vacuums.

Amazon Astro, announced in Sept. 2021, is still only available in limited quantities, and Alphabet’s Everyday Robotics, started in 2019, shut down before ever getting a product to market.

Similar to how luxury car brands want to connect the housing and car experience, Apple’s push into home robotics is an attempt to become even more integrated into the consumer’s life.

Would you welcome Apple robots into your home?

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