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Startup Directory with lots of startup logos beneath

Free Startup Directory

January 5, 2024
Discover new startups based on your interests by filtering my database of 1,500+ startups by location, investors, and industry tags. Each directory profile is filled with information about the startup's traction, leadership teams, funding history, latest press, and more.
Top Startups with headshots of famous founders below: Sam Altman, Collison brothers, etc.

Top 25 Startups to Watch (and Work for) in 2024

December 27, 2023
I spent a couple of days writing my analysis of 25 startups that I'm excited about. I share compelling reasons backed by data, research, and information from my network for the inclusion of each startup.

Student Programs

Interviews with student leaders and faculty behind the top entrepreneurship programs for college students like Dorm Room Fund, Pear Fellows, and more.